In 2014, I embarked on an ambitious venture that would forever alter the artistic landscape of Borås, Sweden: the inception of one of the country's pioneering Street Art Festivals. Drawing upon my rich heritage as a street artist with roots in New York, and having traversed the globe participating in festivals, I approached Borås city officials with a bold proposition: to transform the city into a vibrant canvas, adorned with larger-than-life murals crafted by esteemed artists from around the world.

After relentless persuasion and impassioned advocacy, my vision materialized into reality in the form of the 'No Limit Festival' in 2014. Assuming the roles of both founder and Creative Director, I curated an impressive lineup of artists, inviting them to lend their creative genius to the streets of Borås. The result was nothing short of spectacular: 14 sprawling murals embellished the cityscape, captivating residents and garnering widespread acclaim.

The resounding success of the inaugural festival reverberated far beyond Sweden's borders, earning accolades in newspapers across the nation and even catching the attention of global media outlets like the Huffington Post. Buoyed by the overwhelming community support and the festival's profound impact, I was honored to return as Director and Curator for subsequent installments in 2015 and 2017.

In 2017, after the triumphant conclusion of the third installment, I made the bittersweet decision to retire from my role, entrusting the festival to carry forth its legacy without me. As my own artistic pursuits demanded more attention, I bid farewell to my directorial duties, knowing that the festival had firmly embedded itself as a cornerstone of Borås's cultural identity.

Today, Borås stands adorned with over 40 magnificent murals, testament to the enduring legacy of the festival and its transformative impact on the cityscape. In recognition of my contributions, I was bestowed with the prestigious 'Borås Ambassador Award,' a distinction reserved for those who have made significant contributions to the city's cultural fabric. Additionally, I received the esteemed 'Kultur Impact Award' and the 2014 'City Architecture Award’.

Yet, beyond the accolades and honors, the true reward lies in witnessing the vibrant murals adorning the city's walls—a poignant reminder of the power of creativity to enrich lives and shape communities. To have played a pivotal role in bringing this vision to fruition remains the greatest source of pride and fulfillment, as Borås continues to evolve into a beacon of artistic innovation and cultural vitality.