In 2019, I was commissioned to create an 18 meter mural in the Lower East Side of New York City.

This was a unique opportunity because of my roots of starting my career whileI lived in Manhattan a decade earlier. The building, which was on the famous Broome Street, towered over the bustling city.

With full creative freedom from the client, I decided to create a homage to my new home of Sweden by painting the traditional Dala Horse reimagined as a realistic horse. The horse stood 18 meters tall in a vibrand red color with the traditional scandinavian kurbits patterns.

Placing a Swedish iconic image of the Dala Horse in my old home town of New York gave me a real sense of accomplishment and pride. After completion, the Swedish press had labeled it ‘The Worlds Largest Dala Horse’ which was a great honor and a monumental moment for my career.